
Eurasia Eurasier


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Many thanks!

Many thanks for all the time you took to answer my questions and let me finally met true Eurasiers. Yous dogs are loving, friendly and fantastic. I am more than happy to wait for Fleur's baby... my dream finally comes true! I have no worries about having the chance to buy one of your puppies. I will refer you as the best Eurasier breeder anytime! Long life to your line :) Linda



I really appreciated your time and all the informations you provided without any hesitation. After visiting few other breeders we took the decision to reserve a puppy from your next planned litter. Max



Merci pour avoir répondu à toutes nos questions avec franchise et honnêteté. Vos chiens sont superbes et nous vous confirmons notre souhait de vouloir prendre un de vos chiots chez nous. Nous serons très heureux de faire partie de la famille Eurasia très bientôt. Continuez votre bon travail et laissez l'énergie travailler pour vous.... les mauvaises langues ne savent pas qu'elles s'enlisent dans le négatif en continuant ainsi... La qualité de vos chiens et chiots prouvent qu'elles ont tort.



I was litterally impressed by your attitude and the quality of your dogs. To many people spoke badly about you... by chance I'm the kind of person that double check things prior to take any decision! I was truly impressed by your knowledge and true phylosophy! Your dogs are amazingly nice and I'm happy to send you my deposit for one of your little fur ball. Thank you to do such a good work and I send you plenty of good vibrations to stop all those badly rumors about you. Thanks again!!!!


Experienced breeder!

Hello Johanne :) I just drop few lines to let you know how you impressed me with all your knowledge and experience as a breeder of Eurasier dog. I heard so many bad things about you and your dogs by other Americans than I was quite hesitant to visit you. By chance I made the trip to your home and saw a complete different sketch! Those bad words were only rumors!!! Your dogs are wonderful, lovely and I could see how you took great care of them all! I was really impressed by your dogs. Driving back home, I called my sister and spoke about those bad things we heard in the Eurasier's world and decided they were and are just rumors. I'll send you the deposit for a puppy of your next litter. Hopefully I'll come back next fall to pick up our new girl... Take care Sonya


Thank you for your time and smile!

After our visit to Naku, we were a bit disappointed about them due to the lack of cares there... She also spoke badly about you and we came to your home with very hard eyes... But we were amazingly surprised by your attitude, your dogs friendly caracter and the bond you have with them. It's truly amazing to see those fluffy gentle angels all around in your place. We were prepared to the a complete different picture... based on those Eurasier's ownwers words on yahoo. They should shout their mouth as it's clear they don't know what they speak about! To make it short, we wait for our new baby from your kennel and cross fingers that Vanille is pregnant :) Paul & Marianne


Eurasier and Lapphund!

Wonderful dogs. Amazing caracter. Your dogs are all gorgeous and we thank you so much for your time when we visited your family. We met friendly happy fellows and we decided to go ahead with a reservation for a Eurasier puppy. You will receive our questionnaire and deposit in few days. We can't expect a better puppy than from your breeding program. Honestly we visited two other breeders after you. Both did not impressed us like you. We did not feel right with the breeder in Ontario when we saw her dogs in the barn with no windows... we were also said to not take photos. That was questionning.... The other breeder in US has good dogs too but we felt more comfortable with your honesty and the true love of those breeds we saw in your eyes. We will be more than happy to join your Eurasia family!


Vos Eurasiers sont superbes!

Bonjour, Suite à la visite de votre maison et la rencontre avec vos chiens, tous beaux et possédant un excellent caractère, nous avons décidez de réserver un chiot de votre prochaine portée. Nous espérons un chiot de couleur claire. Eric et moi avons réellement apprécié votre temps et l'amour réel que vous témoignez pour vos chiens. C'est avec surprise que nous avons constaté que toutes les rumeurs entendues à votre sujet et au sujet de vos chiens sont absoluement fausses. C'est en allant vous rendre visite qu'on se rend compte combien les autres éleveurs peuvent être teigneux... Bonne journée et soyez assuré de notre respect et fidélité. Michel et Eric


Merci de votre accueil

C'est avec grand plaisir que nous avons visité votre élevage dimanche dernier. Nous avons pu rencontrer 2 superbes races qui ont su gagner notre coeur. Nous avons décidé d'un commun accord de réserver une femelle de votre prochaine portée. Parmis les éleveurs que nous avons visiter, c'est chez vous que nous avons été le mieux accueillis. Vos chiens sont superbes et très amicaux. Ils aiment les gens et ça se voit. Vous n'avez jamais hésité à nous donner toutes les informations à nos nombreuses questions et avons pu constaté que vous êtes non seulement passionnée par cette race mais vous avez des connaissances supérieures aux autres... c'est chez vous que nous nous sentons le plus en confiance pour l'achat de notre futur compagnon. Merci et à bientôt. Martin, Amélie et les enfants.
